Dry Needling as part of Physical Therapy.
Dry Needling is a technique used by our physical therapists for the relief of pain, to release trigger points and to increase mobility. Although acupuncture needles are used it differs from traditional acupuncture, which is a practice based on Chinese medicine and carried out by qualified acupuncturists.
The needles are dry, as in they are not used with liquids, and are inserted into soft tissue through the skin to the area that requires treatment. They stimulate the underlying myofascial tissue and its trigger points. This in turn enables the therapist to target tissues that may not be accessible by manual palpation techniques. Heat may also be applied to the needles to increase stimulation.
Research supports that Dry Needling improves pain control, reduces muscular tension, normalises dysfunction of motor end plates, speeds up the patients return to active rehabilitation, and increases blood flow, hence healing is increased.