This was serious action!

This was serious action!

Although my back pain wasn’t due to a sport’s injury, Frances Shanahan’s clinic was recommended to me as a possible solution. And indeed it was. The experience was not a luxuriant pampering, no, this was serious action, at times painful in the process, which delivered real results. Pain not only alleviated, but ultimately eliminated. I cannot recommend this clinic highly enough.

Pádraig Cusack

Skibbereen Therapy Centre

Pádraig Cusack

Although my back pain wasn’t due to a sport’s injury, Frances Shanahan’s clinic was recommended to me as a possible solution. And indeed it was. The experience was not a luxuriant pampering, no, this was serious action, at times painful in the process, which delivered real results. Pain not only alleviated, but ultimately eliminated. I cannot recommend this clinic highly enough.